Rest in Peace....Will Yaryan. Will passed away on March 19, 2021 in Bangkok, Thailand. He was a well-respected and very saavy music industry veteran who spent most of his career at Atlantic Records on the West Coast. I just created a photo tribute page to Will, lots of photos from the 70's music industry days. If you have others that I can use, please contact me. Here's a link to that photo tribute.
Just Added! Photo Tribute pages dedicated to two long-time music industry publicity and music industry icons...Bobbi Cowan and Bob Gibson, who passed away within days of each other in late October 2020. Here's a link to the Bobbi Cowan Photo Tribute page and here is a link to Bob Gibson's Photo Tribute Page.
Please check our "Breaking News" page for more information about the newest content on this website, including word about the recent big rock and roll memorabilia auction and photos of some of our industry friends who sadly passed away since our last major website update.
This website is devoted to the incredible group of people from all facets of the West Coast music industry (largely except musicians and singers) who made the 1970s a truly unforgettable decade. This segment included the managers, promoters, publicists, marketers, lawyers, groupies, producers, engineers, agents, DJs, photographers, graphic artists, roadies and so many other categories of endeavor. It is meant to be a non-commercial, historical and visual archive for those of use who were involved in the music industry during this pivotal time period.
In viewing the thousands of photos herein, we hope you relive some of the epic, unforgettable memories shaped by you and your peers.
Pete Senoff
Chapters include:
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